本文由 威-kaifa873 整理发布,仅作为项目开发需求参考!飞机@sleu88
[Hash quiz game]
1. If the random number has been found, the game will end without any suspense, that is, the final winner.
2. If the game ends without all the contestants knowing the result, the quiz game will end.
3. If all the contestants do not know the result, the final winner will be the person "closest" to the championship, that is, the name of the champion.
4. There is no suspense in this competition, no one gets a point, and everyone does not know who is the final winner. (This is "Hash Guess".
In this case, it is impossible for any participant to know who is the final winner.
The more likely you are to guess correctly, the more likely you are to be selected as the ultimate winner.
"Hash quiz" is to use the randomness of this situation to combine the randomly generated data to find the most likely number to be guessed.
Hash quiz is actually a theory of probability and statistics, or a statistical method.)